Saturday, October 12, 2019

Political Correctness Infringes on our First Amendment Rights Essay exa

Political Correctness Infringes on our First Amendment Rights Political correctness has become increasingly obvious in our daily lives. For example, the other day I attended the first meeting of the Frisbee Club here on the State University campus. During the meeting, we were discussing the fact we wanted shirts for this year, but we did not know what slogan to use. While in the brainstorming process, the slogan â€Å"Suck my disk† came out. At the time, the slogan â€Å"suck my disk† seemed to be better than sliced bread to a bunch of college guys. But as we were wrapping up the meeting, one person came out and asked, â€Å"How appropriate do you think this slogan is if we want to have a Frisbee clinic with the high school? I think parents will be a little apprehensive.† It was also brought to our attention that Silk Screen, the local store that prints different images and slogans on clothing, has a policy that refuses politically incorrect slogans. There seems to be a generally accepted concept in society that often makes us think three to four times before we speak. This concept ...

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